Now you don't have to wait for a newspaper photographer to show up to your game in hopes of seeing and buying amazing images of the athlete in your family.
That's how it used to be.
And for many schools and clubs, it's still the case. I've spoken with high school varsity coaches, parents, and players who say the news only shows up when another large school is playing, but otherwise they feel ignored.
I believe for all the dedication and time your athlete and your family has committed, you deserve to have a professional sports photographer come to a game or competition.
I get a lot of questions about how the ABC Photography +Design game coverage service works, and let's get you some of those answers so you can get to booking ABC for your next game!

What's the first step?
The very first thing you should do is check out the ABC calendar to find out if I have any day or time that aligns with your schedule.
We do have limited availability, especially during football season due to staffing, creative athlete portrait work and the fact that I am the parent of a current high school football player! That's why if you find a day and time that works, book it. Quick.
Once you have reserved a time, then I'll reach out by email for phone with some additional information, which brings us to step two.
How much does it cost for you to photograph a game or competition?
Once you've secured a time on the calendar, I'll send you an invoice through which you can make online payment. That online payment (due two weeks before the event) secures your date and time, which means I won't double book. It's yours.
The per game/competition rate for up to two hours of coverage is $175.
Here's what that pays for:
• Travel time within one hour of Goshen, AL. (that includes Pike County, Crenshaw County).
• The time it takes to photograph the game/event
• Culling and editing the images to about 75 total*
• Storing them in an online gallery for you
• Other tangible costs like insurance
*Total number of images is of course based on amount of game play. More time on the field equals more possible images!

How soon after a game or competition will the images be ready for purchase?
I do everything in my power to turn around those images within the week of the game or competition.
Sometimes it takes longer if the volume of clients has spiked. But with the help of my assistant, together we do all we can to turn the images around quickly.
How will we know when they're ready? How long are they available to purchase?
There are a couple of ways to know when the images are ready.
First a notification will be sent to the email or emails on file for the booked game, word then goes out on the ABC social channels like Instagram, and Facebook.
When the images are published, everyone will have 10 days to purchase.
Okay, so, how much do the images cost? What do we get for that cost?
Individual images are available for high resolution, watermark-free, digital download, and they cost just $20 an image or a watermark-free, social media size digital download is only $5! (as of 2023; prices could change at a future date).
There are also digital packages. A set of five high resolution downloads is $75 and a 5 image set of social media downloads is only $20!
Or, many teams and parents will pay for the whole gallery. That way everyone can share. The cost for a whole social media size gallery, $275, brings the individual price per image down to about $3.60 (probably need to say this again - as of 2023. Prices could change at a future date).
What you receive will allow you to use those images on your personal social media channels and, if you would, kindly tag ABC Photography +Design on your team's social networks.
Yes, we have them too. A 5x7 pro print costs $10 and an 8x10 pro print costs $20, other sizes are available but these are the most popular.
And what does "pro" print mean?
It means it's a better quality print than your average Walmart or CVS.